Beautiful Hello Ladies,
The confidence I have in our community revolves around how awesome I know you ALL ARE! This year has been a roller coaster of emotion for us all. I have talked to so many women that it has been a blessing of a year filled with wonderful gifts and others are feeling super stressed. I love the idea/concept that stress is just the energy of excitement that is feeling out of our control. All we have is this moment, and worry never solved a thing. This coming from a professional worrier but I am working on it. We have had many women ask about the Annual Goal Planning Workshop and getting back to our monthly meetings. Know that Courtney and I would LOVE that but due to current state of SJBH rules, our gatherings are on hold until further notice BUT that doesn't mean that the awesomeness has to stop! Courtney and I will add a blog post to the website with the Annual Reflection questions and worksheets to help plan 2021. You can schedule some quiet time to do your own personal Kick Butt Workshop! That means you can do it in your jammies, with some snacks and Sade playing in the background - doesn't that sound WONDERFUL!!! Yes Please!! We will email you when that is available! Other things you can choose to do... 1. Pick a woman you met at one of the Idea Exchange meetings (or any friend that you respect in business) and reach out. Set up a 10 minute phone call with the plan of asking them a question you have about business. Just like we do at the meetings. Take equal turns. Maybe email them your ?'s in advance to let them ponder a bit. 2. If you have been to a meeting in the past but have not posted your bio and biz link on the Women's Idea website, get that over to me. Remember, 5 sentences or less and make sure all of your links are in there. If you are unsure of what to write, just check out what others have written. 3. Know that these last 2 months, you have an official Hall Pass and you can do or NOT do any holiday stress inducing activities. YOU are way more important than a clean house, Christmas cards, or a mountain of perfectly wrapped presents. Take the rest of the year off of To Dos. Have pizza for goodness sake as Christmas dinner - the kids will love it! <hall pass.jpeg> Courtney and I miss you all and wish you Joy, Abundance, and Peace for the rest of 2020 and for all the gifted days to come We will email you regarding the self guided Goal Planning Workshop, and when we are allowed to continue our meetings. Until then: do something healthy for yourself, tell someone you love them, and give yourself at least 12 hugs per day! Cheers my friends!
Bethany NiccumSo we all can use this site to let everyone know what is going on in our businesses, comment with your awesome biz activity or special Archives
April 2022